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Wednesday, December 02, 2015

I Hear You Knocking But You Can't Come In...

It was such a polite little knock and done only once therefore I could not be bothered to go downstairs to answer it. I know the people that may be known to me would call by phone or contact by the internet first so its a fair bet its someone I don't want to see. Possibly selling something.

I've listened to some of the debate in Parliament(slept a fair bit)I'll take restful sleep when I can get it. I have witnessed the best and worst in those who represent the public in the House Of Commons. Of course I am biased. But I notice The Prime Minister would not apologise for some inflammatory remarks made the previous day and the leader of the opposition was heckled and had to try and speak over a barrage of noise. Just how I saw it.

Looking at the weather and the time of day. I'm staying indoors...not going out for the sake of it.

But all the tasks I mentioned doing in the previous post are still on for being completed.

As for those socks. I'll wrap some of them up for Christmas later today. I was thinking ten pairs each(I have five pairs at present)but I'm now thinking of eight pairs for each person. They are in a pattern and in shades of blue and or grey. I will make certain they get both in the package.

Time for coffee/meds and some Rocky Road Bites.

The simple things of life...


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