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Monday, November 30, 2015

Plans Changed On Sunday Too.

I stayed home. It was cold and blustery. Other areas had it worse but I wasn't going out in that. Only ventured out for the bingo this evening. The turn was good too. My group was almost back to the usual numbers but overall the amount of people there was down.

I sometimes wonder how they survive.

I had a nice meal earlier all cooked in the slow cooker. Amazing what you can do. Had some of the buffet for supper when I returned. Going to have a coffee and climb into bed now...its got around to almost 1.30am.

Makes you think(but it won't affect me)the last story from a newspaper on the Midnight radio news was about how we can expect to live past the age of 120.

That's fine if you are healthy, happy, financially sound and have loved ones around you but...much as we are told how great medical science is and how lucky we are living longer there are practical issues to be dealt with.

  1. How many and what jobs will be available when already many are low paid, often many people end up on schemes just stop them being idle and seen to be claiming benefits. Where many jobs are now service based and as more technology is used there is often less need for Humans to be in a work of place physically. 
  2. How will all these people living longer survive financially as government keep pushing the age of retirement further back(they are already doing that)they dislike and probably cannot afford to pay a state pension that may have to be paid for 50+years. So though they keep saying how wonderful medical science is that we live longer, its creating a headache. And there will be many more issues that they have not thought of or if they have they don't want to admit to having to deal with.


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