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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

I Have Socks...

A good old standby for Christmas. I can wear more or less any kind. Thermals/cotton or ankle/trainer/longer socks. However perhaps due to medical reasons or choice a friend and his father prefer non elasticated socks. I'm going to show some I have purchased to my friend's Mum and if she says they are OK I'll give some pairs as a Christmas present with the new Elvis CD I got for him(he's a big fan)If she is happy they are suitable for her husband I will find out if she still wants to give them as a present to him or...allow me to give them as a gift myself.

So far I have five pairs for each...I purchased all that the shop had. If they get more I may because they will be used buy more and give a decent selection to last awhile into the new year.

Its a mild day weather wise even if damp but it started off very wet again. I have had two bowls of sausage and vegetable casserole so I feel warm.

In the process of getting ready for the music club.


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