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Saturday, November 28, 2015

A Late Night And A Rare Night...

well, its an early morning of watching TV for me...a special with the music of Burt Bacharach from the Festival Hall in London and followed by a documentary about what I call Easy Listening music.

I am happy, quite warm. I have eaten well, I poached salmon in my slow cooker and it worked. So that's what I will have today either with miniature potatoes and vegetables or salad.

I believe I am staying home but if the weather is  kind my local Brass Band is doing a show in front of a Town Hall in a town called Crook on Sunday I can get there reasonably easily. That is the plan.

Update:I didn't dive under the duvet as mentioned in the previous post and the reason for not having the salmon was because I was finishing off corned beef that was open. Its great when you can quickly switch plans and have the variety of food in the house to do so.

Now that its mid morning, its chilly outside(I know that it is)and there is a blustery wind blowing. A day for staying home. I doubt that I will consider venturing out at all.

I luckily have my buffet items already for tomorrow night so I will put it all ready before I go out and then if time is tight I can literally pick it up at the door and jump into the taxi to the club.

I am sure that you are riveted to know that I have crisps, cocktail sausages, cheese, cherry tomatoes, baps(I haven't decided what's going in those)and chocolate swirl bites(or rock road bites)I can use the stuff if its not used(it didn't work out that expensive either)


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