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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Well And Truly Dark Before...

7.30pm. I'm not a fan...its funny how even if you have nowhere to go and you are just looking out of the window, how it changes everything. At present I am generally in hibernation mode so I am more involved with things in the early hours and sleep the early part of the mornings away. It seems almost normal after 8am.

I tend to think of food more at this time of the year...what I call comfort food. I was thinking of home made soup tomorrow but now thinking Lamb casserole in the slow cooker...depending on the portion size we're talking approx £1 per meal(4)or at most £2.50(2)

Another good night at the music club and Friday is still on...I have managed to secure a lift home by asking point blank(and its either free)or I will contribute to the petrol. Still cheaper than a taxi. And whilst I have it I have access to a free bus ride there. And the stop is virtually outside the venue.

Music and a buffet. Seeing bands I would not usually see or hear. There is a country band(which is I understand)a famous band been on the go for decades but when they play country they use a different name. Two acts that appear regularly at my club and another that never come to my club and it really is too difficult to get too their venue(lack of public transport)It gets very busy and space is at a premium so getting there early is important.

I was unable to buy a trowel and little garden fork so I will try again tomorrow. And I think I'll pop into the local ASDA supermarket who really offer a great variety of prepared/fresh vegetables at good prices. And if I haven't said so already I am seriously thinking of buying a compositor to turn garden and food waste into something good for the garden. That will kill the worry of trying to get my rubbish away.

If lucky I can get the trowel and fork for approx £8 in one well known stores rather than paying £34 in another. That's for the two.

So at this late hour, I'll surf the net, play some games, leave some political rants on Twitter and have a coffee. And see what tomorrow brings.


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