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Thursday, October 01, 2015

A Great Night At The Theatre...

Lucky for now that I can manage to go occasionally. I appreciate that. Buses ran reasonably well with few periods of hanging around between connections. The weather was good going there and not as cold as the previous night in Durham coming home but I was prepared.

The theatre was packed. Always good to see. I had a good view too. All those people kept the place warm and when I came out I had a small scarf and a thermal hat to hand to keep the head warm. I had gone in a baseball cap...I know, I know...

I popped into the supermarket on the way home...purchased a few ready meals that will keep me fed for a few weeks.

The shrub I had planned to buy had to be changed to a cheaper one from another store on town because the few that remained at Tesco's were looking in poor condition, if I am passing another store I may try again.

Back to the theatre show, another great night of live music from a 16 piece big band in the name of Syd Lawrence who was one of the last respected bandleaders that kept such a band on the road until his untimely death many years ago. Resurrected by and fronted by Chris Dean these days as it has been for many years. He is an accomplished singer/trombonist/musical director and has a big collection/library of musical arrangements. Often bequeathed to him.

The band we were informed had virtually just returned from a 17 day tour of...Brazil. We were told from the stage that my local theatre's capacity is to be doubled in size. Not sure how they plan to do that. It may mean larger productions can be staged that usually go to theatres out of the area but I do worry this mean prices will increase. On the other hand I hope it has the opposite affect and pegs prices somewhat. My concern is that as some shows are not sold out and there are often many empty seats extra seats do not mean extra "Bums" on seats.

So today, taking it easy and in a few hours it will time to play bingo again...come Saturday I hope to be at an afternoon planned by the cathedral in the surrounding countryside which also includes a display of falconry and there are owls too.

Update:No bingo wins tonight...but two reduced cooked chickens on the way home. I cheated and had Chips and gravy cooked in the micro with chicken(cost around £1.30)quick and tasty. And of course no cost of cooking the chickens either. Having a coffee now. Almost the weekend so it can't be bad.


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