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Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Its Been A Good Day...Or Two...

lots of ideas going around my head regarding the garden and the last tidy up before Winter sets in but the weather is not great as I type. Bit wet and windy. Now I hear we may be getting a hurricane of some force anytime from Friday onwards which will be the worst we've had in five years. They're calling it a hurricane in the papers but I suspect it will be nowhere as bad as the recent weather in America or France.

If its bad I'll stay close to home. However, I have something lined up every evening this week. They won't cost much. Friday is the expensive night.

I still have a few daytime trips planned. Not sure where I am going though as yet.

I want to see a local(?)illumination display near Sunderland. I missed it last year. I found out about it too late. The weather was bad in the final days and thanks to the buses if I go too early its not dark enough before I have to come home but if I wait until the clocks go back or let the nights draw in a little more it will be dark earlier so I can see them and still catch a bus home.

In November Durham is holding another Lumiere across the city and it will be darker by then. Buses are more easily available too, sometimes they put on some extra ones.

I believe the tickets(free)went on sale today so to be sure of getting one I may have a ride to Durham today to get one and carry on to the Angel of The North. I feel up to it today if its not pouring down.

I watched a political rally online tonight totally ignored by mainstream media though a big event and my interest has been fired up considerably over recent years. I had a quick look out for some milk and crisps so I have no shopping to do(crisps are for my trips to the theatre. maybe a snack when I am out and about or to share with others when we are together, the milk, well that's for the usual reasons anyone needs milk(tea/coffee/cereal)I was only out for perhaps half an hour if that.

If I do get about I'll try and put some images on my blog. I'd like some of my theatre visit but sometimes you can get away with it. Sometimes you can't. That's why I was unable to put anything on here of last weeks big band concert.

Update:Still going well but the bad weather means a change of plans...stayed close to home. Tickets for the Lumiere go on sale on Friday and the concert I thought was happening the same day is a week on Friday. The Music Club was as good as ever last evening.


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