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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Wednesday's Been A Drag...

totally different to yesterday. Mood swings. Not really but I cannot think of another way to describe it.

I'd be lying if I said I have done that much. Then again...washing done and all put away. Other items that need putting away in cupboards have been. I'm about to wash all the cutlery and crockery that needs doing and putting away. Its something to do.

Tomorrow is a gardening day for definite. Then the rest of the week is clear. I am sorry to see the nights already drawing in even if there is nowhere to go. But I am staying strong for myself, for my Mum and Dad. I have more good days than bad but appreciate this is how things are. Its not a case of feeling sorry for myself either as the day has gone on as I often find I improve. If I fear anything its that I sound like a broken record. We've all heard it all before, I cannot pin it down to any particular thought just a general malaise.

Lets see what happens tomorrow. Only good things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How are you getting along in your quest for your mobility scooter? :)

Maybe if you can get that sorted soon, you will be in less pain; I hope so.


23 July 2015 at 07:46  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Told you I'm feeling more positive and ready to face the world. All the talk of mobility scooters, finances etc...are still on but delayed.

Such days like yesterday are blips. And sleep improved.

I achieved more than it seemed as I look around. If I think of the house as upstairs downstairs housework wise...upstairs is sorted. As are the landing/hall/lounge so we're down to the kitchen/dining room :-)

Today I'm going to move as much as possible from those rooms into the pantry(located under the stairs)and throw more stuff into the wheelie bin.

I'll take a look at the garden rubbish and see as its settling down if I can move it into fewer bags.

Its going good. X

23 July 2015 at 08:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it. :) Hope the delay isn't long re the finances and scooter!
I just pottered around my garden today - bought 3 hardy fuschias I've put into tubs. :)


23 July 2015 at 21:47  

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