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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Sun Is Shining But...

I still haven't greeted the day I will head out into the garden later and there is still time to do all that I have to do today in and outdoors. Also it will be more comfortable by then. It seems quite cool here in my bedroom but the thermometer says 24c/78f. Its got to be warmer out there.

I did have two bowls of cereal for breakfast so I have eaten...I am thinking of salad or salad sandwiches later. If it had not got so late in the day the plan was to have possibly another meal. I have fish, potatoes, broccoli, carrot and cauliflower or something similar in mind but that may be switched around or considered for tomorrow.

Update:Still not decided about the meals yet...I have had a Mars Bar chock ice though. I've been in the garden and made do with just strimming what was left of the unfinished lawn. I have grass growing through the cleared lawns even though it was all pulled(or so I thought)I suspect the weeds and other things were blocking light and now light and heat is hitting the soil.

Still waiting for the weeds that were sprayed with weed killer to die, they are still quite green but I understand that it can need a couple of applications and seven days to ten days to see any difference.

The bees in the garden seem to have disappeared, so this weekend I can finish clearing the remaining untidy corner and the ivy that was too near the bird box that they occupied. I'm tempted as they only seem to live here for a couple of months to let them be. And if my garden is tidy and I keep on top of it what harm are they causing.

I have been out...I thought s** it! I'll get my computer and TV listing magazine. I purchased another laundry basket(it can be used for other purposes)when not doing a wash. I found two lavender bushes in purple and may now put them into my flower tubs at the front of the house. Later in the year as I suggested before they may transfer to a border at the front or back.

I think more plants may come into the discount supermarket tomorrow so I shall see what they offer. I may choose something else or perhaps lavender but in blue or white? They may attract more bees and butterflies.

As I came to the end of strimming I noticed something move out of the corner of my eye and where before I have seen the odd froglet(?)this was an adult frog. He seemingly escaped being damaged by the strimmer. And settled himself in a place he thought he could not be seen. I'm thinking of trying to combine a wild area alongside a cultivated area,

Its been ages since I treated myself to biscuits, crackers and cake(they all have long dates on them anyhow)so I won't be going mad but I spent around £8. It sounds a lot but spread over weeks its probably only £2 per week if that. I'll probably go for a long time before buying any more in.

I can now just think about my trip the theatre and if its a nice day perhaps go to Durham a little earlier.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This time, don't forget to water your flowers! ;)


16 July 2015 at 15:06  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Indeed! I purchased another four today on the way home from Durham. I wanted to come home with them but there was not enough time before the bus to take me to bingo.

There could've been had the bus not been held up by roadworks. Though not easy I took them with me, knowing that I had a lift home afterwards.

My trip to Durham was not straight forward either :-)

16 July 2015 at 21:56  

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