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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Expensive Night...Partially My Fault.

I missed the bus to Shildon by 30 seconds having been stopped briefly in the town centre by someone. I was so close to the stop I would've only held the driver up by twenty seconds if that. I had to decide as I did not know the location of the concert whether to catch the next one and be a little late.

I decided to take a taxi(£7)so a free night was no longer free. When I arrived it was happening where I thought it was and I now know a short cut. It also started a little late so I would've been OK catching the next bus. The money could've stayed in my pocket. I'll know for another time.

By 8pm it was a little chilly but no  rain. The acts were great. I'll tell you more soon and put up some images. Most of the audience was well behaved and some children were getting into the music but some were just running around and to be honest getting in the way of  people watching, some riding their bikes between people!!! Don't get me wrong I like to see people enjoying themselves.

Most dogs(yes some take their pets along)were no trouble but there were a couple of dogs that barked through some of the music. I don't think the performers were too happy and people nearby gave them the stare but they took no notice. I don't think the music was unsettling dogs either, They seemed to come as a pair and kept snarling at each other. At one point it turned really nasty and the owner tried to separate them. I did say "Try" They were not that large to be honest.

From France  Les Traine-Savates 

From Italy Bandakadabra

Oompah Brass from England

Perhaps if some of these acts appear on Friday I'll get another chance to enjoy them. I may get a better view(I probably could've tonight)but I did not want to move. I appear to have reached my limit of images for one blog post(there were another two bands playing, Health and Social who ended the night and appearing with them New York Brass Band(I have seen a few times)from York in...Yorkshire)Oompah Brass was an extra surprise(I have seen them numerous times)

I left about twenty minutes before the end and by doing so it avoided having to fill an hour waiting for a bus and I had an idea of when one was due but I would've been wrong had I stayed..

I popped into the supermarket on the way home. I could've waited until tomorrow using my trolley but because I have now shopped and I'll admit I used a taxi to bring it all home. I do not have to go out expect for the bingo on Thursday and the next concert and the weather looks good for the garden again.

I had a ready meal corned beef hash in the fridge which I have had for supper, ready in five minutes in the microwave. I couldn't be troubled to add more to it. It filled the spot.

I heard someone ring my bell in the afternoon but as I was tired and going out, so I ignored it. It turns out it was someone repairing the lintel above the lounge window. They appear to have done a good job and they could access it without me needing to be there. The noise initially where I assume they hacked out the damaged concrete sounded like it was my neighbours doing more DIY and was on the other side of the bedroom wall but it was at the front of the house.

Though the night could've been free, as the music club had an act tonight with a cover charge adding in drinks and raffle tickets I did not spend any extra, just that I could've spent nothing.

On the way I managed to pay a month's rent/water rates in advance. I say rent but its really the bedroom tax. So two tasks were done on the way.

With all the mix ups lately I have lost my cafetiere, I have ground coffee that needs using so I gave in and found a cheapish one in a local shop and I will see that it always easy to find. It says it makes two cups of coffees but that is one mug in reality.

I will rest now and at nearly midnight what else would I be doing? But I am not that tired but pacing myself earlier in the day I guess I had increased my energy levels.


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