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Friday, July 17, 2015

I Found A Way To Get Home And See The Whole Concert...

that was free tonight. Perhaps its my age but after almost three hours I decided it was too cold(even though I had a thermal vest under my shirt, in the end I put on my jerkin and was wearing long trousers. Others there either were more oblivious that it was cold and windy(they were in shorts/T-shirts etc...)or putting on a brave face. Also and I know its personal but when I decided to come home I was thinking "This isn't music" "Its noise!"Download laughing 12 But I enjoyed the first three acts.

So I caught an earlier bus and came home. Called into a supermarket whilst waiting to connect with the second bus and I have some ready made salads I can take out with me over the weekend.

I ate one whilst watching the show(I added some cherry tomatoes and tuna)I eat less than I used to as you know. I did manage to finish it but it was a bit of a struggle even for me.

Resting now...I will start again tomorrow. There are bands on the streets of Durham. I have a poetry and music show at teatime and if I am able to work out the buses for Sunday there is an event being run by Durham Police all day and its only £2 admission. I hope the weather is good for both events. I could not work out the bus schedules last year or the location of the police event and that was the main reason I avoided it, though if my memory serves me right I think it rained all day.


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