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Monday, July 20, 2015

I End The Day On A Bit Of A Downer...

its only my own view(others are valid)but I do wonder where my UK is going politically when the only opposition party that could offer a bit of a fight on a bill that will affect the weak and vulnerable of society basically sat on their hands and went along with the Government's plans. It would appear that forty eight had some conscience and a spine that they not only voted against the Government but also against many within their own party.

This will be lost on anyone living abroad reading this and to be honest will mean little after a few days/weeks but the consequences may be long and affect how this country looks in the future. So I'll leave this subject and it will seem confusing...lost in the mists of time. Tomorrow is another day. We go onwards and upwards, pick ourselves and start all over again.

I feel a little battered and bruised so not quite as upbeat as I have been lately.

However, I have had a reasonably good day. I won a little at the bingo(broke even)no better off/no worse off.

I looked at the weather and it really looked as though a downpour was due. So gardening was out but I did risk attacking the weeds again. It didn't rain until late in the evening, the plan is to get stuck in tomorrow.

I was tired when I did get home so I have taken it easy(radio listening)a little surfing on here, soon going to bed and hopefully I'll sleep until morning. I actually found myself dozing off during the first half of the bingo, it was really difficult to stay awake.

I purchased the long awaited underpants. socks and trouser belt. Items that I need(not luxuries)basics but very little change out £20. Why such items have to cost so much is another matter, good job that they last a long time. Not that I am buying branded items like Calvin Kline. Often a shops own brands. And in the end I am the only person who sees them anyhow.

I did at least catch up on some tasks, clearing of the fridge, made a start tidying the kitchen/dining room/bedrooms again and I have put all my clothes away in the wardrobe. All on hangers and/or in the overhead cupboards.

I may also set the washer away so that I can put the washing on the line early in the morning. As the washer is the kitchen and doors are closed it will not annoy my neighbour.

Update:A bad night for sleeping. In pain and painkillers taken already before 5am. What I never get is how pain interrupts sleep and keeps waking you up but often when you are awake, the pain seems to not be as bad. This could see plans moved around.


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