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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

We All Have Differing Political Views...

but lately the news has been dominated by the financial state Greece finds itself(on going)and has been for at least five years. Largely ignored by the media. But for now its the story they are going with. If you've not been following the crises or you come across this entry years from now it probably will mean very little. It will either have worked out ok or caused a major financial procedure affecting more than Greece.

Generally the budgets that happen in the UK wash over me and make little if any gets taken with one hand and given back with the other. Someone benefits, someone suffers but leaks in the media suggest that many many people are are going to be hurting after the budget later today. Few if any will be untouched. We have low paid workers being threatened that state money that tops up their wages will see help reduced or taken away. The Government wants companies to pay a Living Wage and make work pay but its unlikely many companies will. People who need help due to illness or are caring for someone may see their benefits removed, reduced or frozen. Some hard fought for benefits will no longer exist.

Not sure where this one is going to go for the mass population or me on a personal level. For now its all unknown. Superficially we are told that the UK economy is going great but many are not feeling the improvement in their own lives. I am unsure how the population will react. We have seen some unrest in other countries in Europe and some in the UK but that was before this budget was announced. We also have problems with such events being ignored or briefly mentioned by our domestic media.

I will hopefully do the gardening in the morning, I have a couple of items that need putting on the washing line for a final drying and some clothes to put away in the wardrobe(new items and what I have washed)I will listen to the budget at lunchtime, have a chicken salad in the afternoon and whilst I am able(and the ticket was booked ages ago)I have mystery play in the evening to attend staring a few well known actors from TV series over the years. I have no shopping to do or any reason to go out until the bus to get me to the theatre.

Then early on Thursday morning I am on an early bus for my hospital appointment. After that I am unsure. I suppose it depends what I am told. I could also be seeing the same person as last time or the new consultant that took over.

Update:Woke in a panic and bounded out of bed(well as near as for me)it was 9am and that meant an hour to get to hospital. I'd missed the chance of any bus getting me there. At best an expensive taxi ride. Then it hit me...its only Wednesday. Panic over. Relief once more. Its raining again. Lets get it all out of the way in the hope that the big event at the weekend is not rained off The Durham Miners Gala. Summer? And the same for all the free musical entertainment planned in the coming week often in the open. There is little enough of that at the best of times.


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