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Thursday, July 02, 2015

I Can't Save The Flowers...

They've died in the flower tubs. If I can find new plants I will replace. The hard work has been the priority. It seems to be working...Annoying now we've had too much water and if it had come a few days sooner they probably would've been ok.

Wednesday I was out 5am clearing more rubbish. Then rested, it was too hot to do anything. I was accompanied again by a blackbird, looking for insects and yes saw a froglet again. I do feel sorry that its protection has been removed. When I was well and had access to a car some years ago, I used to take them into the wild area of the town(bit like nature reserve)where there is much greenery and a little river running through it. Wish I could do that again.

I managed to get a wash load done. Decided I'm going to do more hand washing. Certainly, I plan whilst I have access to a garden to use a washing line again for drying clothes so I purchased a peg bag and some pegs.

Two pairs of gardening gloves(thorn resistant)I have worn/damaged the pair I purchased a couple of weeks ago but then again with all the heavy work I am not surprised. I will still use them as they still have life in them.

We had the mother of all storms in the afternoon(another is starting now)It passed over and made no difference to the temperatures. I found my brolly which I took with me(just in case)on my theatre trip. All buses and connections ran on time. I found a town bus as I came out and that saved me a long, slow, painful walk back into the town centre and meant I caught an earlier bus home. Did not have to hang around much. As it happened I did not need my umbrella and I was safely home before the rain has returned. I was in a leisure shirt and shorts.

A great production of the mystery play "The Ghost Train" and afterwards half a dozen of the cast did a question and answer session with the audience. Sadly(a sign of the times perhaps)economically or a lack of interest in provincial theatre, there are approx 862 seats and I think approx 220 were in the audience. For the talk approx 20 of us stayed behind. They played it straight as it was meant to be. A thriller written in the 1930's but as times have changed modern audiences do laugh at some of the dialogue. Some productions "ham it up" and take liberties but this production is true to the way the playwright planned it to be.

Even with all the empty seats someone large in every way sat right in front of me...but with all the empty seats I moved two seats to the right and had a perfect view.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a shame about your flowers. You have to keep an eye on if they need water - doesn't take much time and effort. In this weather, water in the evening so the sun doesn't burn off the water and they have all night to soak up the water. I was out in my garden at 10 o clock last night, watering all my container flowers. It hit 34C down here yesterday.

Anyway, check your flowers everyday - just touch the soil they are in - if dry, then water! Otherwise it is a waste of your money and the time and effort spent growing such lovely flowers. Also they would probably appreciate a little feed.


2 July 2015 at 08:40  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

You're right A-L I've no excuse. I can remember watering in the late evening. Feeding them, doing it at a time so they don't burn or the water is lost. Late in the day can also be another nice time to appreciate and enjoy a garden.

I'll get out there and see if I can finish the problem area now. Tomorrow and the weekend I'll see if I can find something to replace what's been lost.

Thinking Bizzie Lizzies, geraniums, pansy's, marigolds for the tubs for colour and quickness.

To make life easier I may invest in one of those new hoses that grow larger when watering and reduce in size when its not being used. A watering can is awkward these days. Too many trips in and out the house, keeping your balance holding a can in one hand and a walking stick in the other.

2 July 2015 at 12:40  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell me about it! :) You try watering lots of container plants from 2 litre fizzy drink bottles from a wheelchair! :D But they are well worth the effort. I have geraniums, bizzie lizzies, sweet williams, patio roses, mini buddlias, snapdragons and some cool white foxgloves. :)

Geraniums might be the way for you to go - the slugs don't like them, and they'll last until October. :)


2 July 2015 at 19:37  

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