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Thursday, July 09, 2015

More Of The Same I'm Afraid...

It rained...but housework was done. Then I did nip out when there was a break in the weather and tackled the hedge. The actual work easier than I thought but being short and having to attempt to climb a little step ladder was a struggle. The good news...perhaps 0.05% to be done and a sweep up of leaves and its done and it takes ages to grow again but I'll stay on top of it now.

Housework done...I'll put half a dozen items on the washing line that need a little more drying. If the grass dries out I'll strim the back garden lawns again.

Chicken salad and fruit. Lots of water. I may rest(even if I don't sleep tonight)I don't want to miss the hospital. I don't need to shave and I can keep what I have on for today. As I don't plan to stay in town after the hospital I can avoid needing to take much with me. The bus stops outside the hospital too.

Now its just a case of hoping it all goes reasonably well.


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