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Saturday, April 18, 2015


It could be warmer and sunnier but its not raining which I'm sure will please the food festival taking place approx 7 miles up the road. Its taken me until 1pm to wake up enough so I feel ready to face the world.

Joints feel a little stiff and painful and occasionally I have had some numbness(pins and needles)in my fingers but that's a bit like trapped nerves as if I move into another position it goes away. I can only lie in certain positions for a short time before I have to shift to another in an attempt to find a way of getting comfortable.

I'll potter about until 5pm when I shall get shaved and dressed. Then take the shopping cart back to the supermarket and retrieve my £1 and head for the bus stop which drops me off practically outside the church where the Police Choir are appearing.

If the person I am seeing it with brings his son(I understand that he's coming too)I may be fortunate to get a lift home. If not...there is a bus at 9.03pm and 10.03pm depending on when the concert ends otherwise I will walk very slowly home. Taking lots of short cuts.

So I shall disappear and do some more little jobs and not waste the time I have. If I work today I can consider going to the food festival tomorrow.


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