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Thursday, April 09, 2015

Here We Go Again...

There's always something...I've had them for years(all my life?)but I have become aware of a couple of spots on the back of my neck. I don't normally see them and I don't know if I've clipped them with a razor taking off hair. TBH I've never seen them before but now that I have I'm going to book an appointment with a Dr tomorrow morning. My Dr is off until Monday and as there are workmen calling on Monday morning so I couldn't go the surgery then anyhow. Hope its nothing... perhaps I'll make matters worse going about them but...

Wonder which Dr's are on in the morning?

Update:I have an appointment for 10.50am its either something or nothing...wait to see if I am told to go for further tests.

Update2:Not overly concerned/not worried. He believes that I have taken the top off with the razor but said better to be sure and a colleague who was sitting in(new Dr for the practice)said that she had seen a five year old boy lose his life because some simple spots had been ignored/seen too late.


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