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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I'm So Sleepy...

Not that I am now up and about and I have tasks to do between now and Thursday. Also two music events...The Music Club tonight and we have an official turn on our little stage and tomorrow its Albert Hammond in Durham which just happens to fall on the third anniversary of Mum's passing(I did not realise at the time but am determined to enjoy it.

Last evening I attended a a murder mystery at one one of the smallest theatres I have ever been in...perhaps the smallest ever. But it had proper seats, lovely velvet type curtains in a blue grey colour, a fairly decent size stage and it only held approx 72 people in the audience and because we were so close to the stage everyone on stage was able to talk at a normal level, they did not need to throw their voices to the back of the room or need microphones to raise the level.

It was a play written by Brian Clemens who wrote many TV plays and series like The Avengers and The Professionals. It was called "Murder Weapon"

All the details are here  

It was great and the cast were very good. Five principles and two who made small appearances. I hope I shall attend other plays they stage.

I don't have many images of Mum and Dad or of myself but as the third anniversary comes around of Mum's passing tomorrow I came across this of my parents wedding day in March 1948 so I put it on my blog for no other reason than I felt that I wanted to.


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