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Sunday, April 19, 2015

I Was Too Tired To Do What I Planned To...

which is a pity as really all it entailed was a bus ride and the destination was virtually where the bus terminates. A local food festival. But hopefully, I'll attend next year. And perhaps other events throughout the year. ..but I didn't feel "Human" until late afternoon.

But I'm ready for the bingo club this evening and the thriller at a little theatre in Durham tomorrow(Its a case of pacing yourself)and not setting goals too high. You do what you are able to.

I've had a ready meal(meant for two)but I found it was enough for one person to be honest. Diced potato, chicken, leeks and a creamy sauce.

I'm taking it easy, just have to get shaved and dressed, listening to an afternoon of easy listening music on the radio. And feeling reasonably "upbeat"

Update:Luck was on my table at the bingo but not for of my group won two houses of bingo worth a total of £60 and another person won one house worth £30 and as a number she chose was the number that was called as the final number on a bingo game she won £35 for that so that £65 in total.I reckon with other games, drinks and taxi fares they were each approx £40 in pocket this week but as they don't win every week over the year they are probably lucky to break even or be down but its a bit of fun and a night out. I don't spend as much myself. If you are going to win you'll do so.

I purchased a ticket for a Ceilidh with a band I know for May 16th and luckily I can save the cost of a taxi because a bus passes by, both there and back but I may have to hang around to catch the last bus home. Its a fairly inexpensive night but it may go up if I have buy a few drinks through the night. I'll try and make what I buy last as long as I can. I do know the band that is playing and they are good.

I haven't that many theatre events planned at this time. Down considerably to the last three years because of a number of reasons...Some acts I have seen a couple of times and though I like them I want to save money towards something I haven't seen, some productions are too expensive or difficult to get to, some haven't been announced as yet and some are are simply not of interest to me. Also some shows are being staged more locally to where I live and are well priced around the £4-£8 price range. Or even better are free.


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