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Friday, January 23, 2015

I Try To Avoid Painkillers...

so they don't lose their effect by becoming used to them but they can make a difference when they kick in. But I take strong ones. I really struggled when I went out but was determined I would take the bus and not pay for a taxi but I had to give in. Finally, the tablets worked but I was coming home by then and I had a free lift nearly to home.

I watched only a little TV. I was very pleased with my attempts of having a nice meal. It took little if any preparing. The longest item was the roast potatoes in the small oven(approx 60mins)but I cooked more than I needed so I have some for another meal. The vegetables only took approx 5mins the microwave. Instant gravy granules ready in seconds because I have a rapid boil kettle that I can boil really small amounts of water in(often less than the guide on the side of the kettle)

It all came out perfectly. Hot, tasty and the vegetables were the correct consistency,not hard, under cooked/overcooked)

I obviously haven't lost my culinary skills nor does cooking have to be complicated. You can cheat a lot. I would've been more than happy to share my meal with others.

I've never really eaten food associated with/celebrated Burns Night* and though I will avoid Haggis I am wondering if I can think of anything suitable to make for the event this Sunday. I don't do offal. I may at least raise a glass and have a whisky.

I have managed to throw out a fair amount of rubbish for the recycle collection today. I may attempt to put out a little more, there is time but I may be just as easy to wait until the next collection in a fortnight, its only cardboard packaging and a few plastic bottles, its not that much but perhaps seems as though it is because its been needing to be thrown out for a couple of years. By the next time the wheelie bin may be usable and that will make it easier to put out and will give me a container to save things up for a month or two before putting it out.

I think I will go to the supermarket in a few minutes and buy some sliced leeks(they're as cheap as buying Fresh leeks)that need cutting and washing and turnip too. I would like some Yorkshire Puddings again. Its not worth making them. I will do a wash whilst I am out when I return I will have a quick look at any food that needs using up/throwing out and then take the rest of the day easy.

As I have made the effort to get up and do something and had a good sleep I think I really will watch some daytime TV for a change.

I made the effort to watch some new TV series' when I came in last night and I could become a regular viewer but I cannot be bothered to become addicted to what I watched. One favourite that I do watch "Gotham" was taken off after only half a series aired and the TV station is rebroadcasting them again so its going to be nearly another three months before it resumes and a comedy series I watch has been played over and over again daily but the new series has only reached episode nine(I think)and though its been off since last year, I caught a new one and then was told its taking a break for a while so again, old episodes are airing but the new one comes to an end abruptly.

A quick search suggest that whisky is a must, that I could start with scotch broth or cock a leekie soup, then choose any type of meal that has Beef or Venison and accompany it with lots of root vegetables like "Neeps" and "Tatties" If I can find it I know I have some whisky marmalade or honey somewhere in the house.

Update:What a cold day it is out there, no matter how many layers of clothing you have on, you are freezing, you can feel the ice in the wind but so far no rain, sleet or snow. I don't know if its because of Burns Night but I could not find any frozen turnip or cans of Scotch Broth/Cock a leekie soup. I found everything else on my list.

When I came home it looked as though my rubbish had not been collected and I almost brought it back into the hose until the next time but luckily I that I didn't, they came around again an hour or so later and took it away.

I have watched the last of the new series of Father Brown on TV and am about to watch two old Westerns starring Robert Mitchum/Marilyn Monroe followed by one with James Stewart. Then I shall have a cosy evening in bed listening to BBC Radio 2.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

James Stewart - my favourite actor.

It's freezing where I am too, and that's down South! Stay warm! Glad to see you are cooking hot meals for yourself!

23 January 2015 at 17:07  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

James is a favourite of mine and was of my parents :-) Liked him off screen too. I wish(considering we spent a lot of time watching TV)that Mum had access to the newer FST sets that do movies justice. But the old Sony TV was working fine so...

We'd started to complain that there wasn't much worth watching but though there is a lot I don't watch thankfully I still find the quality stuff whether its new or old just takes time to find it :-)

23 January 2015 at 19:21  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I hope that you are cosy and safe too. The weather on the TV suggested it was only -2 in the North today. That was bad enough. They were hinting it was -9 in the South.

Well, I'll find out how things are tomorrow night when I head out for Durham City. For the 60th anniversary of The Fishburn Collery Band.

I still haven't reviewed the two shows I saw last Friday.

23 January 2015 at 19:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very cosy, thanks, and plan to hibernate this weekend as it is very cold down here with severe frosts.

23 January 2015 at 23:33  

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