As Far As My Kidneys Go...
They have not deteriorated any further than previous check ups, both my consultants and myself are pleased at that news. But naturally the illness continues and hopefully the treatment will continue to keep things ticking over. It has come at a price affecting me in other ways. It was a day to say thank you and goodbye as the consultant who extended my life for the last 17 years and came up with treatment not used before, was retiring. I was being seen by a colleague of his and he came in to a personal goodbye to me and shake my hand.
He has been good to me, they all have. Unless something unexpected goes wrong I am not due to be seen again until late March next year. Dates play an important part in my life. When Mum went into the care home for the last few weeks of her life, it fell on was the anniversary of Mum and Dad getting married. My appointment falls on the same date. Coincidence?
I mentioned my flare up of gout and the consultant I saw today has told me they do have a drug to control it should it happen again and this particular one will not cause problems for my kidneys which the one that is prescribed normally at a Dr's surgery would. And he is writing to my Dr to get me it.
It could be drugs causing the problem I have as I write this as I have a rather bad attack of tinnitus. Ironic that I should have that because I protect my hearing wherever possible like at a concert or gig I wear earplugs.
I'm tired so I am watching a bit of TV. I may decide to have an afternoon nap. I have a chicken cooking in the slow cooker that should be about ready when I get in from the bingo club. I have another one for next week. I treated myself to two loaves of bread from a proper baker too, my computer magazine, washing up liquid, more roasting bags and some soup. I am set up again for the next week or more.
I managed to find out more about the concert tomorrow night at the church in a neighbouring to be purchased on the door. A church I have only been in once before many years ago but was the one my Father attended as a child and in his early adult life I would guess between 1924 - 1948. Yes, that long ago. The other concert the notice has been removed so now I am unsure if it has been cancelled. I will try and find out.
If so I will just have a quiet night in on Saturday.
Update:I don't think that I have ever had that before...a can of Heinz Beef Broth soup but it was really warming and tasty. That's tea taken care of.
He has been good to me, they all have. Unless something unexpected goes wrong I am not due to be seen again until late March next year. Dates play an important part in my life. When Mum went into the care home for the last few weeks of her life, it fell on was the anniversary of Mum and Dad getting married. My appointment falls on the same date. Coincidence?
I mentioned my flare up of gout and the consultant I saw today has told me they do have a drug to control it should it happen again and this particular one will not cause problems for my kidneys which the one that is prescribed normally at a Dr's surgery would. And he is writing to my Dr to get me it.
It could be drugs causing the problem I have as I write this as I have a rather bad attack of tinnitus. Ironic that I should have that because I protect my hearing wherever possible like at a concert or gig I wear earplugs.
I'm tired so I am watching a bit of TV. I may decide to have an afternoon nap. I have a chicken cooking in the slow cooker that should be about ready when I get in from the bingo club. I have another one for next week. I treated myself to two loaves of bread from a proper baker too, my computer magazine, washing up liquid, more roasting bags and some soup. I am set up again for the next week or more.
I managed to find out more about the concert tomorrow night at the church in a neighbouring to be purchased on the door. A church I have only been in once before many years ago but was the one my Father attended as a child and in his early adult life I would guess between 1924 - 1948. Yes, that long ago. The other concert the notice has been removed so now I am unsure if it has been cancelled. I will try and find out.
If so I will just have a quiet night in on Saturday.
Update:I don't think that I have ever had that before...a can of Heinz Beef Broth soup but it was really warming and tasty. That's tea taken care of.
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