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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Keep It Simple...

I have certainly done that.

The meal I promised myself is now planned for later today. I got a bit stir crazy last night and ventured to the Supermarket around 10pm and came back with some offers that will last me a while and some fruit/bread and eggs.

Really, I have had very little but you are "What you eat" I have eaten a sandwich in the last few minutes of nothing more than tomato, spring onion and lamb's lettuce. I feel so clean inside.

Sunday I am heading for Northallerton in Yorkshire for a day out followed by my Bingo night* Today, I think I am staying home but if the gardener lets me down again...plans may change. If I do get somewhere I shall take the camera and see if I notice anything worth snapping and putting on the blog.

I haven't seen much sun this year and I never really was one for sitting in it for hours attempting to get a sun tan. But being of fair skin and little hair(these days)I decided as I hope to get out a little more I should get some sun lotion for my face, hands, arms and bald head. Annoyingly, I have some in the house but cannot find it so this new one will do...

*Little change of buffet food this week...probably cheese/ham rolls, cherry tomatoes, some crisps and perhaps as a treat...some chocolate cake. What is not eaten I will bring home and use myself.

Update:Nothing much to add to earlier matters. The gardener failed to show...Its just gone after 9pm and I'm going to go to the supermarket...again...need some bread/bread buns. I won't have time tomorrow to buy tomorrow...I will charge the camera tonight and hopefully get some images of the day.


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