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Monday, June 16, 2014

Its Been A Few Days...

The weather has been kind...I've not been too far from home but done a bit of this and that.

I will post an entry about the visit on Saturday(my first)to the steam railway line in Northumberland "The Tanfield Railway" just have to get myself together and do it justice...wish I had taken more photo's whilst I was there. Perhaps, if I get back there by myself I will.

The problem is that most of the open days are on Sundays and yes that means the bus service is limited.

Anyhow, how exciting has it been? Not a lot...

The bus service(Sunday)meant messing around, second guessing the best way to get to Durham where I had promised to help with the campaign for the saving of/stopping our National Health Service being sold off to private companies etc...It was a successful day and everyone approached seemed willing to put their names on the petition...including quite a few Dr's.

A 45 minutes bus ride ended up being 100 minutes and I changed buses three times. Coming home was easier.

Bingo in the evening I won a house but shared it with two others so that meant winning only £7 but any win is welcome.

Today I won two houses at the afternoon session but wasn't paying attention so missed both. I'm blaming being half asleep. I had fallen asleep and woke with a start and had dashed over to the bingo and within fifteen minutes. I had been having quite a few sleeps where I kept going off into seemingly the same dream and most of it seemed to make sense.

Though I don't remember much of it was a nightmare and I think some of it was about me being a fugitive avoiding the law and being accused of something that I had not done. Trying to convince others of my innocence and try to get them to realise that if I was apprehended what they would hear would not be the truth.

Other than that I did some food shopping, paid my rent, checked my utility bills, sent in some meter readings. Since then I have had a ice cream lolly and a coffee. That's all. Now I am resting listening to the radio. I may cook something later. I'm thinking of something simple like a salad, some chips and perhaps a beef burger. But I could change my mind of course*

I purchased my first body spray in decades. I avoid such items where possible and the same is true of spray deodorant because I have seen how pores can become blocked and I believe they should be allowed to breathe but I decided as I often do have a problem of soaking my shirts because of sweating, occasionally it could benefit me using a body spray especially if I am out somewhere all day but I won't use it daily or let the residue build up.

Debating whether to take it easy tomorrow or go somewhere but where. Richmond in Yorkshire has just popped into my head.. We'll see. Cannot go too far as its the night of the Music Club on my town.

Wednesday it is the day for my gardener to return and in the evening a show in Bishop Auckland Town Hall again. Wonder if I will have to try the late bus to a neighbouring town and hope to connect to the last bus from Durham or will I have to catch the last one from B. Auckland?

*I did...ended up with tomato sandwiches and some chicken crisps sandwiches. There's always tomorrow...


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