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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Another Reasonably Happy Day,,,

though let down by the gardener, now talking of work being carried out on Saturday. Tried to sort out issues with my Housing Association but the person to contact is on annual leave until July 7th. Thought of taking advantage of an unexpected day out but have decided to stay home and rest. Listen to the radio, sleep a little. The weather though not bad and it began really sunny, it is cooler and not as sunny any more.

I have been quite good and managed to have yoghurt and banana sandwiches for breakfast and that still leaves me the rest of the day for more fruit and the planned salad. I may have to go to the supermarket if I am unable to find some coffee or teabags in my food store. I did not realise when shopping yesterday. I do think that I have some if I have a look.

And I can always drink water...

Update:I managed to scrape enough coffee to have plenty of drinks until tomorrow and made the effort for a decent salad of ham, crinkle cut chips, celery, tomato, cucumber, spring onions, lambs lettuce, a bread bun and chutney. Will see if that does for today or whether I have some fruit or ice cream later. Quite happy with that.


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