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Monday, March 31, 2014

That Was Easy...

If a bit of a strange breakfast. Well, it was more like a breakfast and dinner combined. I used what I took to the the club last night...told you that I would. List of food on the last entry.

I have had a cup of Dandelion tea. Meh! No taste to speak of and yet perhaps if something is said to be good for you and its just like drinking hot water does it really matter? I think I have a good knowledge of what is good to eat/drink. How often/how much you should have. What's genuine advice and what is rubbish and often what is written in the press is subjective and specific points from a report are lifted and over emphasised.

So talking of tea you've perhaps seen all the publicity that is given to the health benefits of Green Tea. Well now we have a study suggesting the health benefits of Earl Grey Tea I am glad to see that the article I link to says that "It may" offer health benefits. Its years since I tasted that kind of tea and it really is an aquired taste.

The act last night at the bingo/social night yesterday was loud, glad I had ear plugs with me but my ears were still ringing a bit. It doesn't need to be for the size of the room.

I do need some cleaning products just for a little sprucing up of the house, I can't improve the carpets and furniture but later in the year if I can afford to I hope to decorate. At least the house is not cluttered. Not that it ever has been except when I was having a clear out and moving items out of cupboards. That was temporary.

I will have to decide my evening meal*...I ate most of the hotpot from the slow cooker at the weekend but with only approx one portion remaining and it looking quite sorry for itself I decided to sling it. I think that was still good value.

British Summer Time is here yay!...Its not particular cold indoors but it still looks quite miserable outside. But hey its still early days what should we expect?

*Made do with a ready meal cottage pie.


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