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Thursday, March 06, 2014

Who Ate All The Pies?

Well, it wasn't me...

There were a few spare that were taken home from the bingo club but I enjoyed what I had. I got a free can of coke and a tea so as I used a taxi...I really could not manage the walk tonight and missed the bus, take the usual cost of them off the fare and I only spent £2. I found my milk and rehydration sachets(supermarket brand)approx £1 cheaper than a well known brand so if you include that saving it brings the taxi fare down still further. I refrained from the Obas Oil because I use so little and it lasts so long it was silly to buy a large bottle for £4 or more.

I have decided to start my tidying up in the morning and rest now. I am comfortable in bed. Not hungry but may make some salad rolls later. I have put all my rubbish in the wheelie bin when I came home but I think it is the wrong week for collection and it may be the recycle week.

All my medicines have good long expiry dates and of course I hope that I will not need them but its good to have them in the cupboard...just in case. I have a book or two about home made remedies that work well and most ingredients are in the house. I have plasters, bandages, safety pins, indigestion tablets, cough mixture, throat sweets, vitamins, spices, minerals, painkillers and prescription drugs. So I am covered.

And with all the fruit, vegetables, seeds, cereal, meat and fish, I can do no more to stay fit and healthy or as best as I am able in my situation. I still believe in small portions and everything in moderation.

Hard to believe its almost the weekend again...I would go to a Farmer's Market but I do not need any food so have yet to see if I can find something to do or whether to stay at home and potter about.


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