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Monday, March 03, 2014

Slept Overnight...

but think I was in pain and uncomfortable, amazing how sometimes the body can sleep through that. I'm a bit achy but that is probably the cold coming out. Breathing has improved and I am not coughing as much, hopefully a good sign. I finally gave in and had a very small dose of the cough bottle, has it helped? Perhaps. Tried the vapour rub, I used such a small amount but it has done its magic and has not left me smelly for others.

Annoyingly, if anyone saw how little I have expelled, you'd wonder how it has managed to cause such a wheeze/cough. I have my feet resting on a hot water bottle and put my long john's on...nice.

I can see the start of Spring from my bedroom window, sunny blue sky and calm. The days are lengthening.

I have finished off some of the food I took to the bingo club for supper last night(still some left for later today)I will turn them into a salad.

Resting is good. So I will stay tethered to my home for a few more days. So I may reluctantly miss the Music Club for another week.

Annoyingly...I now realise that the trains that appeared at the Railway museum passed through my town and it is such a long stretch of track I could have got some lovely images. I'll know for another time...


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