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Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Good To Return To The Music Club...

I was running a little late...I wanted to have a small shop and catch a bus there but plans go out the window. I found that I was so slow and tired I went for the bus. Coming home I had the taxi drop me at the supermarket and at least I knew that I was coming home. Everything went into my backpack. I had a shopping trolley to lean on as I shopped.

I can't remember if I forgot to look or at such a late hour they were out of blackberries and blueberries but no way was I going back when I remembered. Most of my shop was healthy...strawberries, pears, bananas, red grapes, celery, spring onions, tomatoes. I did allow myself a little bit of not so good stuff, a kind of chip stick that I like, some cup a soups and as it was on offer(and I had a voucher)some tubs of spreadable butter. They were reduced by £1.25 each and my voucher was worth £3.50. So only had to find 50p. The same amount in one larger tub would have cost another £1.

I had plans to have a decent meal when I came in but just microwaved a ready meal of creamy broccoli, salmon and topped with mashed potato. It was large enough. 320 calories. It tasted ok but I have had better but it was fine. It was top of the range so as good as you get. It had been reduced by approx £1.50 so at least I had not paid full price.

Since my cough and cold I have cut back on my time on the internet and computer and taken it easier. Can I do less? What I should say is that I have had a bit of a break and been sleeping, eating and resting. Still improving. But go through periods where I splutter and then settle down again. I will decide if I need what I forgot and saunter out later but will probably wait until I have to go out tomorrow, I can live without perfectly well without a few items. I will decide what to eat later too. I don't think that it will be pancakes. Still much to use up. I have been reading lately that some people using food banks return goods because they cannot afford to cook the food. Well much of my food needs no cooking or can be done in the microwave and if I am not using the oven every day I can just about manage. Not forgetting the slow cooker.

It was a great night to return to the Music Club. It was quite full by the time it started. And so many performers willing to give their time. All for free and coming in from a fair distance. I nearly missed it for one another week but glad that I didn't. There are some great music venues around here but when you haven't your own transport or depend on public transport we are so fortunate that this town still manages to keep in business.

I'm going to spend the day sleeping and I have a hot water bottle at my feet. Bedroom is at the right temperature so all in all its not a bad day ahead unless something unexpected happens. Not feeling too troubled so that is also a bonus. I think that I have said before that I find I feel less troubled evenings and through the early hours more than daytime where the suggestion is many seem to find night times the worst. I had to be different.


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