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Saturday, March 01, 2014

All Things Must Pass...

It doesn't look too bad outside. It's quite warm indoors(even without the central heating on)I've slept. Had coffee and my meds/vitamins/minerals.

I seem to have improved further with the cough/cold recovery I said would probably happen, I seem more positive so Saturday is getting off to a better start.

Am I staying in or going out "Just for the sake of it" I am unsure. I am leaning towards staying close to home and at best shopping for eggs, tomatoes, lettuce and bread. But I can manage without them to be honest.

This may be as exciting as it gets but I shall see later.

Almost twelve hours later...Its been an easy day and passed by with me saying "Where did the time go?"
Not too bad cold/cough wise...its much looser.

I had a good shop only minutes ago. Some reductions but still spent more than planned but many items have a long life and are what you add to certain foods to give them something extra. I did ask about some more cough mixtures and discovered that I could have purchased a bottle virtually the same as what I did yesterday in Boots(this one being a supermarket own brand)and still advised by a pharmacist who could have sold me another more expensive(but gave me both options)and this was £2.50 cheaper. I'll know in future.

For the first time in decades I found something similar to Vick's Vapour Rub(Supermarket brand)they were out of Vick's and once home I forgot about another alternative, Obas Oil. Perhaps next time. Someone asked have I had the flu? Well, I had the Flu Jab so I don't think that I have but being out of it and being delerious...have I? And has gone away so quick because the jab worked so well, was it just a heavy cold? I don't know. They say you know when you get the Flu and they also say that men make bad patients...

Plenty of items to keep me eating well.


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