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Thursday, February 27, 2014

I May Risk Going To My Bingo Tonight.

I can get a taxi there and a lift long as I don't wheeze too much, I will not cough. And the room we have the bingo is comfortable from the heat point of view.

I also need to have a look out to get my meds and collect a new card for a bank account that I reported missing.

I have been eating ham and tomato rolls, also drinking nice creamy cup a soups...

Otherwise, that is it.

Update:Back in business...almost. Bingo went well. All my earlier tasks went easily too. But with having kidney disease...what a carry on to find a safe cough bottle. Think we have managed in the end. The choice is small.

I made a lovely salad when I got home tonight and...found I could not eat it all so the remainder is in a storage box and will make another meal or sandwich later. Finally, resting.


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