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Sunday, March 02, 2014

I Don't Know Where The Morning Went...

but it has and now its afternoon...just.

Had my meds, vitamins, a coffee and some yogurt(toffee and vanilla)and later I am thinking my bananas need using so may have a simple banana sandwich.

I'm in the after period you get with a cold and cough(highly unlikely that I can spread germs to anyone)but it takes time to lose it altogether. If I blow my nose now my ears seems to clear too.

Its a grey sky, think its a bit cold out so am staying put. Unless I decide to buy some fruit and/or treat myself to some sweets. But I can put that off for another day. In a neighbouring town there is a monthly Sunday Market and they have a Pancake event happening also some music being performed but I do not need anything. I promised to have Pancakes last year and didn't. I promised myself that I do not need to eat them only on Pancake Day nor do they always have to be sweet. Or eaten after a meal and...did not do any of those. So this year I hope to put that right.

Pancake Day falls the same day as the Music Club so I may have to have mine the day before or after or early on the day. I have cheated this year and have some already prepared that you just heat up. With  a spatula I can turn them over without tossing them.

Have put the heating on for a short time to get some water so I can have a wash and shave. Was going to do some washing but I'd be wasting electric as I haven't a full load so will find something in the wardrobe for going out tonight. I have all my bits and pieces ready(Money, wallet, bingo dabbers)hat, scarf, coat and gloves. And may just take a couple of items with me for tonight's little buffet. I can take more but if I don't need to I can use what I have. Probably take some small sausage rolls, cherry tomatoes and cheese, But if asked I could take some ham or beef rolls, cheese straws and pickled onions. Others may have plans to bring something.

Last Friday, I said that I quite fancied Haddock, chips and a wild rice with a mixture of small vegetables which can be ready in approx 20 minutes and...I still haven't had it. I do have(they were reduced)three ready meals(came in at around £5)I would not usually think they are worth the price but I thought I won't be having them every day and as I only eat small meals they probably would be enough but I can add some extra veg.

They are all topped with mashed potato and one is a chicken and broccoli pie, another is cottage pie and the last is salmon and broccoli.

As I eat small portions and my main entertainment is the radio, though I have a faith of sorts, I won't be giving anything up for Lent. If I am honest I don't ever remember doing so. Where possible I do and will help others but I do that anyhow without having to be told. Some days its as though I have given up for lent because I eat quite sparingly. I don't over indulge.

Now its nearly 6pm  and soon time to go out and there's been a fair bit of spluttering this afternoon so I hope that's it for now...if that would stop I'm not that bad. Settled on tomatoes, s rolls, c straws and as a treat some little bags of gingerbread men biscuits which my friends can have with a cup of tea at home.

I'm home and in bed ready for some easy music on the radio(its almost 11pm)I had two Gin and Tonics(not sure if I have had gin before)but I liked them a lot.


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