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Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Good In One Way...

but in another way a nuisance. I said I wondered if today would bring something unexpected. It did. Next Wednesday the HA want to allow someone to do a survey of the property and poke holes in walls and ceilings/lift floorboards and I have move out of whichever room they decide to do what they are doing whilst they are doing it. And they have me down for a period of approx three hours 9am-midday. I hope it goes well and passes without incident. Not taking any bets though...

The house is reasonably tidy but I'll put a bit of an extra effort in between now and then. I was going to decorate but wanted to wait until the warmer weather. Now this...There is no way I can start to move furniture etc...not they say that is required in the letter.

I had to get out and so I came home with reduced/items on offer(Bread buns, cucumber, pease pudding, blueberries, blackberries, apples, rice and some two finger Kit Kat's)I still forgot Dioralyte and Obas Oil. Once I have them that's everything.

Since coming home I have tidied my food cupboards and cleared a fair bit of stuff for the wheelie bin. Amazing how quick you can be. So a day of dusting and hoovering and all should be in order. So no plans for the next few days except the bingo tomorrow and Sunday. At this rate it could all be sorted in the next 24 hours.

At least the clocks go forward this weekend which means Spring is really here at last and lighter nights, here's hoping we get some decent weather to go with it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the government website, the clocks go forward on the 30th March this year. You got my hopes up there, I can't wait for the lighter nights :-)

6 March 2014 at 08:55  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The clocks do not change until 30th of this month.

6 March 2014 at 09:59  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

My hopes too(oops!)We spend our lives wishing our time away don't we. Actually it sounds more likely it would happen towards the end of the month. Perhaps its the US that changes this weekend.

6 March 2014 at 11:24  

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