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Thursday, March 06, 2014

I Don't Believe It...

It may never happen again and I honestly do not remember being invited to one before but a week on Friday I have been invited to a buffet or Dinner Party. And to bring a bottle. So I shall have to be on my best behaviour and hope I have plenty of scintillating conversation.

I'm a novice with alcohol so asked for advice what they would like and they said a bottle of  Blossom Hill soft and fruity red or rosé, its going to come in at around £4.99 a bottle. That would pay for a night out for me or budget two or three meals for me but I may be able to spring to that for this one off event. I suspect by today's standards that's a reasonable price for a "decent" bottle of wine. In the past my own choice(and I haven't purchased any wine for years)has been less than that.

Two I know from the Bingo I attend on Thursday nights and the other guest I have never met but we have used Facebook and Twitter. I may need some Dutch courage...wish me luck...I need it! I could have said no but what does that make me sound like and its a compliment that I have been asked I guess.


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