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Monday, February 24, 2014

I'm Really Not Very Well At All...

This cough of mine is really giving me problems, when it eases I'm ok but when it starts it makes me feel sick. I have tried lozenges and later may see if any cough medicine in the cupboard will help or perhaps I'll take some home made Lemsip(lemonade and paracetamols)I have access to honey too. I have taken to my bed and don't plan to move much. If I manage to sleep that will do me fine. I will be careful what I decide to take. It seems to be a dry tickle in the throat. To be honest I think it is finally coming out as a head cold which may mean I will shake it off quickly.

I did get out earlier and found some bread, bread buns and bananas.

Since coming home I have reported a lost bank card, I disliked doing so but I also reported the bus that left me standing the other night. It really did cause me problems. Especially, when the service at night is so limited anyhow. But I always feel as bad doing so and its the first official complaint I have done in all my years of travelling.

I have some extra video which I took of the of Durham and that is being posted on You Tube as I write. Also I have a small video of The Mallard and The Union Of South Africa leaving the Shildon Railway museum at 9am this morning.

I have been told that two more will leave between Tuesday and Wednesday. The remaining two will be at the museum for another six weeks. It was quite difficult to get a decent view and it moved really slowly. Whether it increased in speed when it reached the main line I am unsure.

On the way home I heard some people on the bus discussing the event and talking about how expensive the food and refreshments were(I don't know because I did not buy)and I assume we are talking about the contractors on site rather than the snack bar that is there all the time. I heard that it was £2.50 for a small tea in a plastic cup and around £7 for a burger. I have no idea if this is accurate.

I doubt that I will be doing very little today.

Update:How right I was...if I could have a few hours without a hacking cough I really would appreciate that. Its so lovely when you manage some time without doing that. I do think I am better laid on my side. If things stay as they are I will avoid the music club tomorrow. Its better for me and I am not spreading it around others. I also know where I caught it...last Thursday when I was given a lift when the bus failed to turn up another person was picked up who had been knocked for six in the preceeding days. And my compromised immune system has paid the price.


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