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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I'll Not Kidd Myself...

That I have shaken off the cough and cold I have but I have managed to get some sleep. And managed on only four paracetamol's in approx 10 hours. I am warm, so warm I have been able to remove blankets and the bedroom temperature is very mild(16c/60f)I think that I am going to remain indoors for the next 24 hours.

A cough really does take it out of you. I am quite pleased how quickly I have improved. So it could be quite quiet here.

Update:Now I have a dull ache in the left breast, a headache, the cough is less aggressive and I am colder than I was. Mainly, seeing that I am having warm drinks to avoid dehydration.  I am just doing what many are doing and many will be dealing with more serious medical conditions. When I cough my legs hurt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say take care of yourself, keep warm, keep hydrated and try to eat even if its just a bowl of soup.
Fingers crossed you will feel better soon.

25 February 2014 at 18:24  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I was really knocked for six. And its taken approx 36 hours to beat it. I am finally drinking more hot drinks than I was, I have finally beaten the cough and headache and managed a bread bun with some marmalade. Also back on my medication. Now if I can get some sleep...I usually just get on with it when I feel ill but this was a bit like being delirious. I'm quite pleased how I have shaken it off.

It really pays to have plenty of food, drink and remedies in the house when on your own and there is no one you can ask for help. Or you don't like to trouble others.

Think I shall have some beans on toast later.

26 February 2014 at 01:09  

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