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Friday, March 07, 2014

A Down Day...

I keep hearing the expression about "The Black Dog" when you feel depressed, I can't compare how I feel with that, you really must be at the depths of despair to use that as a guide but I am functioning and I'd say its a bit of a cloud over me but as I always will pass.

Many I know of go to coffee mornings/play bingo every day but it still costs money and though not a lot if you add up an odd £5 here and odd £5 there, over the week it can become expensive. Socially the benefit is more beneficial than in money terms.

I always liked my own company and at ease in my own skin and most of the time I still do and its important that I can still say that.

But if I can punctuate the week with some highlights to look forward to and break up the routine a little. Also if you think long enough you can usually work out why you feel as you do...It was around this time in 2012 when Mum really became ill and ended up in hospital and then was transferred to a care home so in the back of my mind that is probably why I feel as I do.

I am ex directory on the phone and hardly anyone calls me so I often have my phone on silent but occasionally I check to see if anyone has called. Thankfully sales calls are few. I miss the silent ones, sometimes I am told someone has called but they leave no number(I always think, if you cannot be bothered to leave a number)I don't know you, you are selling something and why should I phone back?

But a few times of late a number has kept appearing and some detective work has found it belongs to a debt recovery service, so I bit the bullet and called it a few minutes ago. They wanted to speak to someone who had given this number or they had down as his contact number, I had never heard of him and as my parents and myself have lived in this property for over 50 years, something is a miss. Anyhow I did not give my name, I like my anonymity as much as possible, they apologised and said that they would remove my number from their database. So we shall see if they are as good as their word.

The detective work was done by checking online and all the responses from people troubled by the company are negative.


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