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Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Such Weather...

Think I am staying indoors, I can manage. Nowhere as bad as other parts of the UK. Some areas flooded for over 5 weeks now and yesterday I was watching a video of a train stranded at Dawlish and the rail line runs within feet of the sea and it was coming over the train.

Today, that line is washed away and hanging without any support and it is said it will take months to repair**

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Lots of views here both sad and spectacular.

A day for something warm in the old tummy...I will start with porridge and perhaps a chicken pie/vegetables and potatoes for the evening meal.

When I came in from the music club I managed to put a quick salad together with added fish and chips.

Now I await the computer repairman to see how easy/difficult it will be to fix the laptop and how expensive. Whether it can be repaired here or needs to be taken away.

Update:That's the laptop fixed and £20 lighter...I'm fine, reasonably cosy in bed. Can't hear any bad weather outside. And I am seriously fine but so far have not eaten anything. *May have a microwaveable type of soup/meal that I happen to have in the cupboard later(needs using up)it will be warm, filling and reasonably tasty.

*I had the following with some bread, it was actually a year over its Best Before Date and tasted fine.

** I have since heard a newspaper report from around one hundred years ago and the same thing happened in Dawlish so history does have a habit of repeating itself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Anthony

Long time no see. Great to see you still blogging away.

Hope to be in touch soon.

Carol xx

5 February 2014 at 15:12  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Oh Carol :-)
Think there is a song by that name...

Good to hear from you again(I do think of you quite often)and hoped that you were well.

Will have to look for/tidy up my e-mail area and in general clean up the computers, they've got away from me a little.

Laptop repaired and not as bad as feared £20. Safe removal of what turned out to be malware and installation of a malware programme to find even malware that does not show as being installed.

I could've put the money to better use but...

Take Care
Ant x

5 February 2014 at 15:21  

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