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Monday, June 03, 2013

I'm Knackered But Plodding On...

Have no choice...I am so tired and I will pay for this overwork. Lugging stuff from one place to another, climbing ladders with my mobility problems and a hernia to boot. I am determined to succeed by Friday afternoon...

Will have a break and do some general tidying(put clothes that I have washed away)and plates/dishes etc...I prefer to bring in the garage stuff late at night.

I may have to call on my gardener/odd job man to shift some more rubbish for me...more money to part with...


Anonymous VQ said...

Gildy, NOTHING is more important than your health.
DO slow down. You're worrying me.

3 June 2013 at 21:10  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I'm worrying myself but I don't want to lose my home...if I can get Friday out the way and it goes well I can slow down again...and I will, I promise.

And I will then go through one/two bags weekly and they should fit in the wheelie bins. No extra trips to the refuse centre. And finally no parting of money.

I was talking it over at my church after the service for Mum and Dad on Sunday and the overal opinion is that tey had no right to take photos and I am being vitimised/harrased and should speak to my MP. I haven't decided whether I may.

3 June 2013 at 22:01  

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