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Saturday, June 01, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy...

I took it really easy today and am not much use to anyone...I popped out for some spare sacks/bin bags and cheated picking up lots of reduced sandwiches which saved me havng to cook I had some salmon and cucumber with mayo and my first wraps containing southern fried chicken with tomato and red pepper mayo...enough to fill me and that's around 900 calories.

Tomorrow hopefully after a decent night's sleep the plan is 2-3 hours to see all is ok in the house, that's just a general polish and dust. Then a look through the wheelie bins to see what the gardener threw out without my knowledge.

Another wash and put clothes put away...

Then its a remembrance service at 4pm. Last year I sobbed through the whole service if I do again so be it but I think that I may be more composed.

Around 7.30pm I will have my look at the local club. Play a game of bingo, have a quiz forget my troubles for a little while.

Then on Monday I will see what I can let go from the garage so there is less when the Housing Authority returns on Friday afternoon and hope that they are reasonably happy. That gives me approx 4 days to see how things progress.

Happily my friend has said that she will be here to support me when they return.


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