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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Birthday Boy...

My Birthday arrived virtually unannounced and approx thirty or forty minutes into the new day I suddenly realised.

I'm not very comfortable and have given into painkillers to see if I can get rid of aches and pains in my legs, I will see if I manage any sleep.

I ended up having turkey salad and a portion of chips from the chip shop and two slices of bread. Still plan the meal as mentioned previously but that will have to wait until Friday if I end up having the meal tomorrow as a Birthday treat and the day out tomorrow. I hope that I am up to it. Will probably feel the effects when I get home.

I was very naughty...I polished off a bottle of wine with my meal that I won in a raffle at the music club. So am relaxed at least. A rare event.

Tell you what I purchased yesterday...Tesco's own brand of specialist tea bags and have camomile tea(said to be good for calming the soul)even at bedtime, lemon and ginger and Twinings nettle tea and also dandelion tea.

In general, I doubt that I could have a more varied/healthy diet if I tried. If salad is on the menu tomorrow I may keep it simple and go for that...

The tin of corned beef I purchased earlier in the week went such a long way I have bought another and a small ham joint(it works out cheaper than buying sliced or in a can)

I have joined Flikr in case I decide to post images on line but I'll never manage the great images on there already. For one thing I am not travelling to as many interesting places, I now have my camera with me at all times...hidden under my coat.

Hoping that I have solved the uploading of video material to my blog. It takes ages even with broadband.

May get back to posting images of my attempts at making meals again and my baking of cakes and bread etc...I'll never have anything like the meals/websites I now read or get health advice from...its hard to keep up.


Blogger Taaleedee said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy the day.x

30 May 2013 at 11:59  
Blogger markdebby said...

Happy birthday. Glad you enjoyed your wine.

30 May 2013 at 19:43  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thank you for the best wishes and kind thoughts. I'm so tired and its been a long day. My friend was kind and gave me a meal out. And paid for everything.

Could be my first meal out for many many years. If any criticism the portion was too big to finish and that was one course(how do you eat a starter/desert?)

One other slightly sly trick...I asked for a basic salad but they also brought two very small toppings with it.

The meal I guess was quite reasonable I suppose £4.95 but those toppings added another £1.95!

My friend added a surprise to the day a look around the local railway exhibition centre but we squeezed quite a lot into the day(though I struggled physically)hence being tired(in bed now)think I'll sleep well tonight.

I'm glad that we started no earlier than approx 10.30am(it was enough time to do everything)he would have left an hour earlier. It was kind, a change and different to how it probably would've been on my own.

30 May 2013 at 20:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi ya.
Happy Birthday . .
I really pleased that you had a lovely day .
Love Terri x

31 May 2013 at 00:10  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Good to hear from you Terri x

At least with my interest with food, photography, music I am feeling quite positive and happy.

I was surprised to manage to have four cards given me so I had some to put up. Two from my new friend and his parents.

An old friend from the States and a relative through marriage(a sister of a brother in law of Mum's)

As I think I said elsewhere this could mean more input regarding my meals and posting images :o)

It could also spur me on to try a greater variety of meals. Also more pleasing to the eye in how I set meals out in the first place.

31 May 2013 at 00:21  

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