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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I've Been Testing My New Digital Camera...

And got to thinking where is the best place to do this? So here are some random images from the music club that I attend on the town most Tuesday nights. Sadly I don't always know the names of those who are performing...but the first feature "Loose Connections"

 The next image was an attempt at a panoramic view of the club and may be better if viewed by clicking on the image and seeing it enlarged. It seemed quite easy to do.


The following images shows John Rightson who performs and writes a lot of his own material across the North East of England.

Tonight we had a surprise performer I have never seen before and he played the musical saw.

In the next post I hope to include some live performances but its all new to me and I have no idea how they'll turn out. Some people decided to walk past or put their heads in the shot whilst recording but it was an experiment after all. If its worked there should be sound and it should last longer than the usual 15 seconds.
Considering I am still learning and I did not use the flash I am quite pleased with the result.


Anonymous Michelle said...

Please tell the sawist to contact for an invite to play @ NYC Musical Saw Festival. Thank you!

If you don't know of the NYC Musical saw Festival, 'Time' magazine reported on it

29 May 2013 at 17:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah! Those look great! :o)


30 May 2013 at 01:31  

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