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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Back On Again Believing That Just Maybe...

I could attend the North County Show tomorrow but I will decide how I feel early in the morning and also look at the weather.

Today its about food again...

Just cooked a Turkey joint(thought that I better)its well past the use by date and was not in the freezer...its cooked fine and in reality, I probably could have waited a bit longer. But it will make sandwiches and meals for a number of days...and can now go back in the fridge cooked not raw.

I also found some prepacked sandwiches that were reduced today, I don't think that I could make them cheaper buying the ingredients seperately. As an example I have just eaten two(malted brown bread, smoked ham, mayonnaise, cheddar cheese, soft cheese)worth £1.05 I paid 26p.

Thought if I make the effort to go to the County Show "Oop North" on Bank Holiday I can take some of the other and a drink in my ruckack.

Altogether I got a variety worth approx £10 for £3. I find two decent sandwiches are as good as a meal for me and they have enough calories, the two I have just eaten came in at around 400 calories.


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