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Monday, May 06, 2013

Totally Different Meal Plan Today...

Ended up eating prepared egg and cress sandwiches(three)reduced to 39p. And in my own store I found a Baxters Deli-Inspired bowl of Sundried Tomato and Parmesan with Orzo Pasta. It was quite filling and tasty. I would usually bypass that on price but in reality for a main meal offering three of my five daily portions of fruit and vegetables, also how easy it was to prepare 3 mins in a microwave, that's good. So may have it again. I had some bread with it too.

It does cost £2.08 and I can do a full meal with a couple of courses for less. It was well past its best before date but tasted fine...How old was it? November 2012.

Truth is I have such a store of food, I will have to let the bargains go for awhile, its a nice position to be in but all the space in the fridge/freezer is taken, as are the cupboards and pantry. And I have my extra food store too.

And now I am looking at baking more home made items for fun as much as anything. So I have my baking supplies in too.

I've been thinking...virtually everything that is reduced in the yellow sticker section is from the Supermarkets own range or the delicatessen/fish counter. I am guessing lots of other good food(branded)is returned to the supplier or thrown away and not offered. What a waste. Good job they put out their own stuff and its usually the better quality items. Sometimes bread is sold at really low prices too.


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