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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

I Love Cooking...

It is therapeutic. Fun. And satisfying when you can say...I did that!

Thankfully I don't find it difficult or daunting. As income is limited it is both interesting and a sense of achievement when you still are able to eat well and make food go further.

I have been looking by chance at a recipe for home made marmalade and thought...I could do that but though it means I know what is in "my" marmalade, by the time I buy the fruit, sugar and whatever else it entails and then it says simmer for 90 minutes, the cost of the energy has me thinking, I will continue to buy.

But as you know from recent posts on my blog I am supporting local food producers where possible(online)or at Farmers Markets. I don't believe I could make it any cheaper myself and my interest is not so much the meat side of things but jams, relishes, chutneys, marmalade, bread, cakes, wines, beer, cordials etc...but I support them all.

If you are making a lot in one go and are then able to sell it, its hopefully a win, win situation for both the producer and customer.

When my friend at Gingerbread Mam and Just Williams make their delicious range of goods just think about the time, all the extra's that have to be purchased to put the finished product into(Bottles, jars, cartons)and much more. Such producers try to make their goods appealing to the eye adding to the pleasure. Its not mass produced. The cost of moving produce around, renting a space to set up a stall. Then you have to take into account the purchasing of the ingredients in bulk and then you are governed by the weather and the numbers who turn up to buy and hopefully become regular customers.

So if you are thinking of doing some shopping soon wherever you are in the UK or in Europe, the US, worldwide do hunt out your local markets and support your local producers.

I think it has encouraged me to become adventurous in the kitchen and I am attempting to make my own bread once again, if I can make a couple at once it may be economical. Usually, I am ok at making bread but my first attempt at a sourdough loaf was disappointing, over done on the outside, slightly under done on the inside and like a brick/doorstop. I will succeed...already making two new loaves(white and wholemeal)

Looking more promising...


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