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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

As I Have Been Doing So Well...

Why do I feel down? I could go out and walk around the supermarket and that will probably involve spending money(not good)and well its becoming darker anyhow...its quite dull outside, its not been a sunny day.

Considering I have managed to get out of late should I be feeling like this? Then again don't we all at sometime even when as is well? No, I'll stay indoors. Perhaps, if I cook something it will divert my thoughts a little...not really thinking of anything in particular but usually when I feel like this something happens that I can do without, a letter or a phone call.

I think it is because I know I have start dealing with Mum's estate soon and cannot keep putting that off and that my relatively untouched life will change and where things would have been ok for a little longer, I will come under the new rules and have to jump through all the hoops and the newly introduced conditions. Perhaps that has something to do with my mood. I wasn't thinking such things until I started writing this or perhaps I was and did not realise.

Time is still on my side so I may still let things go for another six months but then I really will have to move things along.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps you could do some self filling at your local supermarket? you would be in your element there, and earn a bit of money and food as well

25 April 2013 at 12:04  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

If I thought it would work and there was the money to be made, I could quite fancy running something like a retail shop selling promoting local food as I see in the Farmers Markets. Too many obsticles in the way I fear.

25 April 2013 at 13:05  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is why it's so important to do what you've been doing, Gildy.

Getting out and enjoying yourself while you feel good helps recharge the batteries for days like this.

It will be matter what comes your way. You'll get through it. No worries! :o)


26 April 2013 at 10:37  

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