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Sunday, April 28, 2013

I Am In The Process Of Launching A New Blog...

that will contain news that I can find about views, images, links to websites, producers of local fare, recipes and hopefully good news. It will be aimed at a specific theme so that it does not get mixed up with unrelated topics which can happen on a blog that covers many topics or personal views...

I can't come up to the standards that some long established sites have achieved but I feel that many local producers are being given a raw deal in many cases. And I have taken such an interest, its a passion for me. I am not only enjoying the goods being produced but I am interested in what is going on behind the scenes. Not just turning up at a market and buying the goods. I want to know the positive and negatives of trying to produce that special something.

I actually feel that a couple are friends and it gives me pleasure and satisfaction when they are doing well and I also feel their fears when obstacles get in the way. I get the impression that some local councils really go out of their way to support and others almost go out of their way to see such projects fail. Also not helped in these difficult times by some of the so called "Quango's" that existed to promote an area being dissolved. Something along the lines of the tourist board.

Thinking of the recycling aspect of things, it has crossed my mind that to help reduce costs there might be something in returning items that can be(not unlike the old refund on an empty pop bottle)I would happily return bottles and jars for free to a producer.

I really enjoyed today and not only purchased some goods from my now good friend who runs Gingerbread Mam I was able to have a really good chat. Not only friendly but Liz really believes in the concept of local food production of quality and what is being offered is pretty exclusive, it is not being done by others...and other items are being tried and added to the range.

Take a look at the Twitter feed for really up to the minute news and contact...

I came away with a bottle of home made Ginger Wine which I am looking forward to and some Sticky toffee butterscotch sauce. Oh I almost forgot some cinder toffee with the added ingredient of ginger of course hence the name ginger pokey.

I want to praise the local branch of  Fenwicks, a store that has been in Newcastle Upon Tyne for decades as it has decided to stock some locally produced food in their food hall. I will be making the effort to visit the store at the earliest opportunity. This should happen much more across the UK. In fact I think the time is right for more food cooperatives and they should be using local producers too.  In a way these are replacing or could replace the loss of local retailers and put new life into the high street.

The extra business might mean greater success for the producer because a larger order can be secured and costs might be reduced so everyone wins...

It could also mean food does not need to be transported over such great distances.

This is giving me something to think about. Not sure how long it will take to launch it though...

I have come to this late but am making up for lost time...I missed a similar food festival event in Durham  City in October and Christmas last year but all being well will not miss this years events.


Blogger Span Ows said...

Hi Gildy, good luck with the new site. I think you should apply for a Radio job about local producers etc. Tony's Toon Titbit Tour or something! haha, seriously though, I think a project to eat/use only local produce* for a year would be a good and interesting exercise.

* except for a few things: toiletries etc, maybe salt

28 April 2013 at 07:49  
Blogger Span Ows said...

Hi Gildy, good luck with the new site. I think you should apply for a Radio job about local producers etc. Tony's Toon Titbit Tour or something! haha, seriously though, I think a project to eat/use only local produce* for a year would be a good and interesting exercise.

* except for a few things: toiletries etc, maybe salt

28 April 2013 at 07:50  
Anonymous VQ said...

Good for you, Gildy!!
It's great to hear you so positive and I think it's very healthy to have something to be passionate about.
I'm looking forward to your new blog.

On the 'food' theme, there are umpteen cookery shows on TV but so many of them use butter, oil, cream etc..... while obesity is always in the news.
Isn't it about time we had sensible cookery shows, emphasising healthy AND cheap eating? Much more relative to the times we live in.

28 April 2013 at 08:24  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea, Gildy! The small farmers need all the support they can get.

Going local is better for the community, better for the economy and better nutrition.

Good luck! Looking forward to reading it. :o)


28 April 2013 at 18:49  

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