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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

In The Last Few Years...

I have taken to wearing trainers...Not bothered about them being designer gear and to be honest they are too expensive. I have such a job doing up laced shoes but reaching down to tie them up...what a carry on, even attempting to cut my toenails is a major task. I have been thinking of using a chiropodist.

I tend to purchase trainers that have Velcro strap fasteners and I usually pay between £10-£15.

 I found a shop in Darlington last year that sold discounted designer sports clothes and footwear. I could not find my usual trainers and they had a pair of green and white Lonsdale's worth £55 for around £20. Opened the box today to start using them as the two pairs I am using are cracked, the heels are worn down and one pair has holes at the front where the toes are.

Still usable for the shops nearby but they are done. I found their website and they have some thing similar in black and white reduced at present but you have to pay delivery charges...their shop has closed in Darlington. I found a branch in Redcar on Saturday so thought I may have to return in the next few days but there is a branch in Bishop Auckland approx 30 minutes away so I may go tomorrow and see if they have any in the shop. Whilst I am able I may buy two pairs.

These are approx the same price as the previous pair(reduced by 80%)but they have no laces or Velcro straps. They are slip ons....I may still thave to look for the strap design because should your feet swell you can slacken the straps and get some extra room though I do like the idea of just slipping your feet into them.

If unlucky I believe I have found another local outlet for the trainers I usually buy so I have another option if my first fails.

As I rarely wear shoes any more I have a new pair and another not used much so they should last me years.


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