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Monday, April 15, 2013

Told You I Don't Take Notice Of Dated Food...

I had a late lunch of two ham, cheese and pickle sandwiches in granary bread(reduced)purchased on Friday for use on that day...I'm still here.

Now I am about to have two chicken, bacon, tomato and lettuce sandwiches(reduced)same date. Followed by the second of my mint chocolate dessert(same date)and I am sure that I will be fine...

Also had a custard donut earlier...

Today I had coffee...oh and my milk is six days over the date and I only opened it dangerously? No, just realise that looking, the smell, the feel says a lot and many foods that need cooking if piping hot will kill off anything harmful. Plus my fridge is very cold and I have a thermometer I can check.

Avoided the temptation to go out and spend or look for more bargains...thinking of this weekend's Food Festival. If the buses run on Sunday and I can get home I may attend both days and pace myself rather than try to do it all in one day...perhaps I can take some photos and video's for my blog. Perhaps I'll find some nice food to bring home.

And this weekend I am not out in the evening so can rest when I come home.

Having salads too and have the usual mixed and watercress but getting into a Sainsbury's meant I have for the first time purchased a bag of pea shoots, not heard of any other supermarket selling those.


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