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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Pleased With Myself...

I cooked a meal of potatoes, broccoli, swede, cauliflower, sliced beef(I cheated)that was already cooked and gravy. Plenty left to have tomorrow with something else. I had some ready made Yorkshire puddings too. All steamed in the microwaves...

Followed by a mint chocoate dessert. Just resting in bed listening to the easy music on the radio now...the simple things of life. If I can do that I'll come to no harm...

And yes, I think I'll have some breakfast for a change tomorrow morning,  perhaps some porridge with fruit, toast and a nice mug of tea.

You learn though...I don't eat a lot of it...before I had not done so for years but you'll notice I had beef. Three slices(quite thin)and that being reduced cost £1.20(it usually sells at £3 so a saving.

However when I see a joint of beef priced at £5 and more I think how expensive it is. When in reality it is a better buy. Trouble is that is a lot for a single person to get through. So I may have to think again and buy a piece of meat.

Try and portion some and freeze some...and/or cook some and freeze some of the cooked meat in slices, put it in containers or freezer bags and defrost it for other meals when required...over a month.

Having a second freezer rather than one attached to the fridge is starting to look like a good idea if the cost of running it is not excessive. I don't care that it takes up room in the house and which room it is in.

The dining room already has a food store, tumble drier and fridge freezer and I do not use it to eat meals. I have access to a kind of table that fits across a chair or bed. The kind seen in hospitals and unless I have to use the oven I could and do sometimes put my meals together upstairs(I already have a kettle)

If I can stay put, I could consider putting a microwave in a spare bedroom and use that room as a mini kitchen come dining room and move the kettle in there. Even adding a mini-fridge and mini oven grill.

Been looking at that bedroom again wondering if I could have it redifined as box room, something for the future perhaps which could mean the bedroom tax could be reduced but that will depend on the rules and whether the Housing Association is willing to help(some are more approachable than others)then I'd only be paying for one spare room. I am still on for having a water meter installed to reduce the water rates by approx all saves money.


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