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Tuesday, April 09, 2013

I Have Been Known To Mention...

people of note who pass away and more often than not I have respect for those I mention and will acknowledge the part they played in this country's life and mine.

The UK's first lady Prime Minister passed away yesterday. Lady Margaret Thatcher was 87 and suffered a stroke and died peacefully in her sleep. She was staying at the Ritz Hotel in London.

There has been and will be much coverage in the media and the press about her as a person and what her time as Prime Minister did for the country and this could go on for weeks and months.

The people of this country have very different views as to whether Thatcher saved the country or destroyed it and helped get us where we are today.

So I link to the following image of all the front pages of this mornings newspapers. Some are for her, some against, some are playing it safe and some are just downright nasty.

For me the front pages that say it all is The Daily Mirror top right...and perhaps The Northern Echo.

Thatcher Montage

I have heard it reported that "some" people(few granted)have held street parties and had bottles of champagne on ice for years waiting for this to happen and that is something I am unaware of happening in the UK since the end of the war which indirectly took in the demise of Hitler. She is to be given the same status as Diana Princess of Wales and our present Queens Mum for her funeral and it will be held in St Paul's Cathedral in London.


Anonymous VQ said...

St Paul's never seems, to me, to be an ideal place for a funeral. All those steps to negotiate with a coffin!

9 April 2013 at 09:05  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

That's a fair point VQ. They keep talking about giving her a State Funeral but who makes that decision? Other PM's haven't been given that honour. Is it only given to those who take us to war?

As I said earlier I remember Churchill's but none since.

I try to remain unbiased in the views I pass but of course I give bits of myself away on my blog. And will praise or be critical hopefully in a respectful way even of people I like.

As people have and will be of me...

9 April 2013 at 11:37  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

On a personal level of course it will be difficult for those close to her as I and others have when we lose those near and dear to us and I want to give them some respect but I can understand the reaction of the public(and I don't think it is being over dramatic)that some will have lost family members through the policies introduced directly/indirectly by her Government also if their standard of living was lost, of course they will feel hatred.

Those who succeeded will see things differently and perhaps are unable to understand. But for me being affected emotionally means more than materialistically doing well. And it is happening again. The country is being divided but this time every party is similar to a lesser or greater extent.

Its not necessarily the parties to blame but those who represent them and if there were "New" faces in Parliament it could be different.

Of course as with anything it could be worse or better we won't know unless it happens.

9 April 2013 at 11:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether you loved her or hated her, she certainly was a force of nature.

I found it appalling that people were booing at her funeral.

I understand many folks hated her, but out of respect for her family they really should have just stayed home or carried on somewhere well away from there.

This reminds me of a group here in the States right now who are protesting at the funerals of fallen soldiers.

It isn't the place for this sort of thing and it utterly disgusts me.

Jan :o(

24 April 2013 at 08:50  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Protests were small and to some extent the media made more of it than was necessary but on the day the media virtually ignored any desent.

Most who were not supporters stayed away or made their views known elsewhere.

I have to admit I just avoided a lot of the news over that week and heard a report of the funeral but did not watch or listen to it.

I honestly believe we have more to worry about now than the time she was in office.

Though depending on which side of the fence you are on her policies made this country greater or the opposite but I do think it changed the direction and how politicians have behaved since.

24 April 2013 at 09:05  

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